Big changes have arrived at Microsoft recently and I wanted to understand how you feel about your Microsoft relationship as a partner. It’s that simple. One lucky winner will receive a new OOMA phone system valued at $250.00 if you leave your confidential contact details. I’ll report my findings in a blog soon.

Question Title

* 1. What is your overall satisfaction level with Microsoft?:

Question Title

* 2. Ease of doing business with Microsoft?

Question Title

* 3. Number of unique Microsoft account(s) you have overall (MPN, CRM, O365, Hotmail, Skype, vendor eInvoice, etc.):

Question Title

* 4. Tell us what you think (essay) about support, licensing, billing, certification exams, etc. This is an open-ended essay format. Tell us your tales from the trenches:

Question Title

* 5. Please enter your contact information to be entered to win the Ooma Office device:

Thanks so much for participating in our survey. We really appreciate it!