A welcome to you, and Information about DGT Alumni Association, Inc.'s Privacy Policy

Welcome to you, alumni of Delta Gamma Theta - Alpha Chapter, alumni and alumna of Tau Delta Phi - Tau Sigma Chapter, or newly inducted associate or full members of the DGT Alumni Association, Inc.

The mission of DGT Alumni Association, Inc. is to promote fellowship and individual creativity among creative professionals, through leadership and professional development, through networking, and through activities that benefit the local community.

In pursuit of this mission, DGT Alumni Association maintains a data-base to enable communication activities that support fellowship, professional development, and networking among members of DGT Alumni Association, Inc., and to thus keep alive the spirit of the phrases, 'it's great to be,' and 'till death friends.'

DGT Alumni Association, Inc.'s Member Data-Base is for the sole use of the DGT Alumni Association, Inc. and its affiliated arm, the DGT Foundation, Inc. No contact or other information about members contained within shall be disseminated to any individual who is not a DGT Alumni Association Officer, or to any group, organization, or to any corporate or government entity, without permission of the member or individual for which information is being requested. The Data Base shall be password protected and accessible only to authorized officers of DGT Alumni Association, Inc. or the DGT Foundation, Inc., and members authorized by the Board of DGT Alumni Association, Inc. to help maintain the data-base. Should an active or inactive member seek to reconnect with another member, DGT Alumni Association, Inc. will pass on the request for contact information to the party being sought out for reconnection. From time to time, DGT Alumni may publish a directory of members, for use by members. However, inclusion in this directory is subject to permission by each member being listed. It is the policy of DGT Alumni Association, Inc. to not trade or sell its data-base for any purpose.

Question Title

* 1. I have read the DGT Alumni Association, Inc.'s Member Data Base Confidentiality and Privacy Policy. By checking "yes," below, I acknowledge reading this policy and I volunteer to provide information for the purposes stated by DGT Alumni Association, Inc.