Community Survey

We would like to learn more about your thoughts on faith and philanthropy. It is our hope that you will take a few minutes to complete the following survey. If you would like us to send you the executive summary of this survey please provide your name and contact information at the bottom of the survey. Thank you for your help!
You and Your Parish

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* 1. Which parish are you a member of?

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* City/Town

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* 2. How long have you been a member of your parish?

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* 3. How active are you in your parish (mark all that apply)?

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* 4. If you attend Mass, please mark the box(es) that best answer how often and with whom.

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* 5. What do you believe are the most important ministries that serve the Archdiocese? Mark the top three with a check in the appropriate box.

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* 6. Do you regularly donate to your parish?

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* 7. What method do you utilize to make financial contributions to your parish? Check all that apply.

The Catholic Appeal
Through the Annual Catholic Appeal the faithful of the Archdiocese support 50 ministries that serve our parishes, schools and other programs.

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* 8. Have you donated to the Archdiocese through the Catholic Appeal in the last three years?

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* 9. If you have given to the Catholic Appeal, mark your top three reasons for giving with a check mark in the appropriate box.

Top three reasons for giving to the Catholic Appeal

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* 10. If you have not given to the Catholic Appeal, why not? Mark your top three reasons for not giving with a check mark in the appropriate box.

About You and Your Community

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* 11. Do you volunteer outside your parish?

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* 12. Do you serve on any community/nonprofit Boards in your town/city?

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* 13. Do you make financial gifts to Catholic organizations other than your parish or the Archdiocese?

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* 14. Do you make financial gifts to secular, nonprofit organizations?

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* 15. If you make financial gifts to nonprofit organizations, please indicate your top three areas of philanthropic interest (one being the highest).

  1 2 3
K-12 Education
Higher Education
Social Services
Health Care
International Affairs

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* 16. Where is the Catholic Church in your own philanthropic priorities?

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* 17. Have you ever made an online donation to any nonprofit organization or cause?

About You and Your Communications

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* 18. How do you get your information about the ministries of the Archdiocese (mark all that apply)?

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* 19. Which methods do you prefer to receive communication from your parish and the Archdiocese of Boston? Mark all that apply.

About You

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* 20. What is your home zip code?

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* 21. What is your age range?

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* 22. What is your gender?

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* 23. What is your ethnicity?

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* 24. What is your marital status?

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* 25. Are you Catholic?

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* 26. Do you have any dependent children?

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* 27. If you have children, do your children now attend or have they ever attended Catholic K-12 schools?

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* If no, do/did your children attend Religious Education or faith formation programs?

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* 28. Did you attend Catholic schools? Mark all that apply.

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* 29. Please provide any further comments regarding the work and mission of the Archdiocese of Boston.

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* 30. Optional: Please provide your contact information.