To: All Glenmore residents

From: The Board of Directors, Glenmore Community Association

Please add your name to the following petition that requests Albemarle County Planning Commission, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and the Virginia Department of Transportation to amend Proffer #3: Rte. 250 and Eastern Entrance Improvements--Rivanna Village Development to require that a signalized entrance at the eastern end of Rivanna Village be built immediately upon the start of construction of Rivanna Village.

Any member of your household who is 18 years of age or older may sign the petition. Forward this link to members of your family, friends and neighbors who meet this criterion. [Please do not sign the petition more than once].

A paper copy of this petition is also available at the gatehouse. Please ask your neighbors who do not use the internet to stop by the gate and sign the petition.

We will continue to collect signatures and present them to decision makers as we work to convince them of them to open a 2nd entrance at the beginning of the construction of Rivanna Village.

Approximately 1400 Glenmore residents are 18 years old or older. Nearly 700 have signed the petition so far. We're half way there. Help us reach 100%.

Thank you.