Pain and Gender Consensus Questions

Rate each of the following potential research questions/research areas as: Not Important, Slightly Important, Moderately Important, or Very Important

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* 1. As a clinician, how important is it for you to understand the epidemiology of gender specific differences in factors that influence the development of common acute ED Pain conditions?

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* 2. As a clinician, how important is it for you to understand the epidemiology of gender specific differences in factors that influence the development of common chronic ED pain conditions?

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* 3. As a clinician, how important is it for you to understand the biological (nociceptive pathways, physiology, perceptual sensitivity) mechanisms that influence sex differences in acute and chronic pain?

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* 4. As a clinician, how important is it for you understand the differential response to oral μ-opioid analgesics and non-opioid analgesics in the ED by male and female patients?

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* 5. As a clinician, how important is it for you to understand the differential response to non-pharmacologic interventions for acute pain by males and females?