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* 1. Of the three kinds of events we usually have, which do you like the best as a way to mingle with your classmates?

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* 2. What was your favorite part of the organized/scheduled activities at this reunion?

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* 3. The Reunion Committee did end up with enough funds to do a 35 year reunion. This would likely be a short format, one or two events. It could be held in Seattle, to allow for more classmates living down south to easily attend.

Would you like to see a 35 year reunion, and if so, where?

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* 4. If the 35 year reunion is held in Seattle over a weekend, when should it be?

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* 5. If a 35 year reunion were held in Seattle, and tickets to a baseball game were included, would you be willing to pay for this portion at least 6 months in advance so a block of seats together could be purchased?

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* 6. What other activities would you be interested in for a Seattle reunion? Rank order: 1=most interested, 10=least interested

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* 7. Other ideas or activities you would like to suggest for a Seattle Reunion:

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* 8. The committee fielded a number of complaints about using Facebook as the 'location medium' to get in touch with all of you after 10 years. We probably did miss some folks who might have come because we didn't know how to reach them, or they were not on Facebook. We do have an email we can keep for that long, as well as a webpage, but given that people move or change their emails, and the committee is not made up of full time private eyes - - - we are open to suggestions. What is the best way for us to reach you?

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* 9. What is one thing we did not have at this reunion you would like to see at the next one?