Thank you for your interest in registering. Available seating at the  IT for Dominica Summer Institute is now completely full. If you wish to be notified about the 2017 IT for Dominica Summer Institute, please complete the registration form and we will email you next year.  Wishing you the best!
Maurice Hollingsworth, Ph.D.
Welcome to the IT for Dominica Summer Institute Registration Site

The Ministry of Education and the IT for Dominica Summer Institute welcome your registration and participation in one of four course offerings this summer (in order of difficulty):


Course: Fundamentals of Computers in Classrooms - 10

Instructor: Ms. Abigail Durand

This course is designed around a series of competencies that will assist teachers in the fundamental skills of using computers for educational purposes. The course is intended as an introductory course that serves as a building-block leading to further courses that teach about integrating technology. The course is particularly oriented to teachers who need introductory skills or are cautious about using computers. This is a “friendly” course. (This course is now full, please add your name to the waiting list.)

Course: Online Education and Blended Classrooms - 10

Instructors: N.French-Gillies, B.Ed., A. Morancie, Qualified Teacher, & S. Friesen, BGS, M.Ed.


Creativity! Enthusiasm! Exploration! Seeking these in your classroom? Well, Blended Learning is just what you need! Come and explore a variety of innovative tools you can use to improve student learning and free up time for classroom instruction. In this unique course, you will engage in dynamic face-to-face and online classroom discussions. Be prepared to complete the online component when we are not together as a whole. Be exposed to skills that will enhance your students' learning experience in and out of the classroom. Be assured that Blended Learning can enhance your teaching a great deal! Come join us!  (This course is now full, please add your name to the waiting list.)

 Course: Engaging Students Through 21st Century Learning - 10

Instructor: Caryn Swark, B.Ed, B.A.H., M.A.


Ready to increase your knowledge of technology? Get comfortable with a variety of apps? Improve your teaching and your students' learning? If so, come and explore the myriad of resources available to the 21st century learner -- and teacher! Check out the theory and practice behind many digital learning experiences and experiment with them in a hands-on, collaborative environment. You'll come away with resources and methods you can use to develop your own students' comfort with technology and further your classroom instruction in an engaging, creative, and digitally literate manner. (This course is now full, please add your name to the waiting list.)

Course: Production over Consumption in the Classroom – 10

Instructor: Chris Young, BSc. BEd.


                It’s popular knowledge that in order to better prepare students for the future, we must better use technology in the classroom. What we are less sure about is: How does technology help?  What does that look like in my classroom? What are the specific goals of using technology? This course will endeavor to develop a practical answer for all of those questions and more. As well, it’s the norm for technology to change rapidly; our class will explore current technologies, but also explore how keep up to date by being a facilitator instead of a master. So if your ready to examine your pedagogy, and help students better engage in using technology; then this course