As you will know, in recent weeks there has been a flurry of media coverage regarding zero hours contracts. After years of campaigning by our union, this issue has finally come to the fore.

Under these contracts, a worker has to be available for work but the employer has no responsibility to provide any work and only pays for the hours worked. You can find out more about zero hours contracts here

Whilst the media has arrived late to this issue, our branches and members have been dealing with them for years. The aim of this survey is to gather information that your branch has about these contracts in your area. We will use this information to engage with the media and politicians in our campaign to stop and reverse the spread of zero hours contracts.

We know you are very busy. Thank you for taking the time to complete this important survey.

Note: The definition of zero hours contracts for the purposes of this survey does not include staff who are supplementing their usual hours with work for internal bank or agency operations

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* 1. Your name:

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* 2. Your UNISON Branch name:

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* 4. Service area:

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* 5. Are zero hours contracts in operation for any of the employers you deal with?

(If the answer to this question is 'No', please jump to question 10)

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* 6. Regarding the biggest employers using these contracts, which job roles are subject to zero hours contracts?

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* 7. Are zero hours contracts disproportionately applied to workers from particular groups? (for example, are these job roles carried out mainly by BME workers or female workers?)

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* 8. How were the zero hours contracts implemented?

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* 9. Are any of the employers engaged in a process of phasing out zero hours contracts?

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* 10. If there is anything else you would like to say about zero hours contracts, please tell us here:

Thank you again for taking the time to complete this survey.