Question Title

* 1. Library Name

Question Title

* 2. Contact Person

Question Title

* 3. Phone/Email

Question Title

* 4. Project Name

Question Title

* 5. Grant Amount

Question Title

* 6. TARGET POPULATION(s): Which population(s) did this grant serve:

Question Title


a) What was the overall goal of the project? How did having this project benefit, change, or impact the individuals it served?

Question Title

* 8. b) How many people benefitted from adding this service?

Question Title

* 9. c) Did you include a community partner? What role did they serve in this service?

Question Title

* 10. d) Describe any challenges or surprises you faced.

Question Title

* 11. e) How did measure your outcomes? Please send Amanda ( a copy of the form you used and the compiled data from your participants. Please include any anecdotal information and/or photos of the projects as well. *For any photos submitted, it is the library’s responsibility to have a photo release document in their files.

Question Title

* 12. f) Do you have future plans for this project?

Question Title

* 13. g) How did you share the success of this project?

Question Title

* 14. BUDGET:

Please compare your original budget with actual figures. Explain any variations from original budget.