Thank you for participating in this ordination survey. The survey is 11 questions long and should take about 2 minutes to complete.

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* 1. Do you believe that the scriptures teach only men should be ordained as pastors?

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* 2. Do you believe that the scriptures teach women should be ordained elders?

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* 3. Do you believe the Adventist Church needs to create more paid ministry opportunities for women aside from the ordination question?

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* 4. Do you believe if women’s ordination is approved it will make it easier for same-sex marriage advocates to agitate for acceptance within the church?

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* 5. Do you believe the women’s ordination issue should be conclusively settled at the next General Conference meeting and whatever is voted should be unitedly followed by the world church?

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* 6. Do you believe each SDA world division or conference should be allowed to determine the women’s ordination issue independently?

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* 7. Do you believe the women’s ordination issue may lead to a division within the Adventist Church?

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* 8. Are you a denominational employee?

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* 9. Do you reside in the North American Division?

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* 10. Are you male or female?

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* 11. What is your age range?