Section 4: Teleliteracy, Adoption, and Inclusion Assessment

The Nebraska Broadband project is working to expand broadband reach and effectiveness for Nebraskans. To help develop the best possible plans, we need good information. We invite you to complete and submit this survey.

Communities and regions in Nebraska can only fully realize the benefits of broadband if its residents have 1) the skills to utilize computer and Internet applications and 2) access to computers and broadband. Increasing teleliteracy skills and encouraging the use of broadband applications should be a priority of all community/regional technology plans. Special attention should be paid to any special populations in a community or region which are lagging behind in their use of broadband applications.

Following is a brief survey for you to examine teleliteracy, adoption, and inclusion in your community. This survey corresponds to Section 4: Teleliteracy, Adoption, and Inclusion in the Engaging People. Linking the World Broadband Planning Workbook, Page 77. The workbook can be found at:

Before beginning the survey, please answer a few demographic questions. Thank you for your responses.

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* 1. Using the above map, please indicate the region you are representing in your responses.

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* 2. Which sector are you representing when you are completing this survey.

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* 4. Please indicate the population of your community.