1. Extension Teaching Evaluation

Workshop Title: Session #3 (The New Faces of 4-H Volunteers-Changing and Retaining)
Location: Webinar on 1/27/15 (PM Session)

Question Title

* 1. Presenter: Brandy Kay

Please evaluate my teaching effectiveness based on the following topics (Mark the level of agreement with the statement):

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Information shared met audience needs
Overall presentation was clear and well-organized
The audio-visual (handouts and powerpoint) and other teaching aids were used appropriately
The instructor was well-informed and kept audience interested
The instructor encouraged questions and interaction with participants

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* 2. Are you willing to complete this evaluation as a

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* 3. Please list one idea you learned from this webinar that you plan to put into practice

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* 4. What suggestions do you have to improve this educational program?

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* 5. Was the pace of today’s webinar

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* 6. If this webinar had been conducted as a face-to-face educational session in your geographic area, how likely would you have driven to attend today’s session?

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* 7. Describe any technical difficulties you may have had in accessing or participating in today’s webinar.

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* 8. Additional Comments?