We need your input!

The planning for and adoption of the 2015 Budget was a landmark event for the Town of Portugal Cove - St. Philip's. This budget is forward thinking and designed for future community sustainability. There was significant public consultations to inform Council on priorities in the town. Building on this momentum of public engagement, we ask you for your input on the final budget now that tax bills have been distributed.

 Click here for details that you were mailed prior to the adoption of the budget. This document gives the rationale as to why decisions were made to increase the mil rate and the water and sewer fee, as well it elaborates on new initiatives and priorities for 2015. You can also find the official 2015 Budget Speech and Budget summary by clicking here

Please take a few minutes to fill out this short survey so Council can be informed on your thoughts on the 2015 Budget. This information will help guide Council on future decisions. Thank you for your time.