1. Welcome to the 2015 National Environmental Employment Survey

What is the environmental jobs scene for 2015?

The National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP.org) and the Environmental Career Center (EnvironmentalCareer.com) are conducting this national survey of environmental employment needs, trends, and opportunities.

What are your views regarding recruitment within your organization (employers) or employment in your chosen profession (job seekers)?

Your input is important and anonymous. The results will be available to all participants.

1. For this survey, we broadly define "environmental" to encompass sustainability, natural resources, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other environmental-related areas.
2. Your first answer is often the best answer -- go with it.
3. Questions with an asterisk (*) require an answer.
4. The survey should take only 8 minutes or so to complete.

Please take this important national survey now. Thank you!