1. Contact Information

Thank you for your interest in applying for the ACI 2015 Conservation Internships. The 2015 Internship experience will span 9 weeks, from June 8th to August 7th. The stipend for the summer internship is $3600 for the 9 weeks.

You can edit your responses by clicking "previous page," but please note that once you exit this application or close your browser, you will not be able to re-enter where you left off. It's best to complete it in one sitting. Feel free to browse through the pages to see what information is needed so that you can complete it without exiting the survey. Remember to click "next page" at the bottom of each page to save your responses.

If you have any issues with your application, please call Karen Henley, ACI Internship Coordinator, at (847) 650-0067.

Question Title

1. Your contact information: