1. Freeways Without Futures Survey

Is there an aging highway in your city that should be replaced with a surface street or other community vision? Please let us know by filling out this survey before November 30, 2013.

The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) will use your recommendations to create the 2014 Freeways Without Futures list, which recognizes the top locations in North America to re-envision urban freeway infrastructure and provides great opportunities to stimulate valuable revitalization by replacing aging urban highways with boulevards. The top candidates will be chosen based on the age of the structure, redevelopment potential, potential cost savings, ability to improve both overall mobility and local access, existence of pending infrastructure decisions, and local support.

Learn more about CNU's Highways to Boulevards campaign here: cnu.org/highways

We greatly appreciate your help and expertise on this project. Thanks!

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* 1. What is the name of the highway? Please list any official and non-official names.

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* 2. What city and state/province does the highway travel through?

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* 3. If you know the beginning address, intersection or geographic coordinate, please enter it below (search Google Maps):

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* 4. If you know the ending address, intersection or geographic coordinate, please enter it below (search Google Maps):