1. Welcome

Welcome to the 2014 Mentoring Program offered to members of the San Francisco Chapter of the Healthcare Businesswomen's Association. This survey is designed for those wishing to serve as a Mentor in the program. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Your survey responses are confidential for use only by the Mentoring Committee to match Mentees with Mentors. By submitting the survey, you are providing the HBA San Francisco Chapter permission to contact you directly regarding your participation in the mentoring program.

If while completing the survey, you are sent to the top of the page instead of continuing, please make sure that you have answered all the questions.

For any questions or for additional information about the program, please contact:

Nancy Pratt or Tracy Hoffman
Directors-at-Large, Mentoring
HBA San Francisco Chapter
pratt.nancy@gene.com or hoffman.tracy@gene.com