One Agreement Form Per Company



On behalf of my company, I hereby apply to participate in the 2014 Gas Utility Operations Best Practices Program of the American Gas Association (AGA), and agree to submit data and other pertinent, requested information to AGA in accordance with the approved schedule.

In return for the data my company furnishes, my company and other program participants will get specific detailed information generated during the program, including program summary reports, attendance at roundtable sessions, and roundtable notes (collectively the “Work”).

To help ensure the confidentiality of the participants’ data and the Work, my company understands and agrees that:

• The Work we receive is the original, creative and copyrighted work of AGA and AGA grants my company permission to use the Work for internal company purposes alone. My company may not use it for any other purpose(s) nor reproduce, distribute or make derivative works from it without the specific written consent of AGA. The Work may not be used in rate cases or shared with regulatory commissions or other agencies.

• The Work is confidential and proprietary information of AGA. My company will maintain the confidentiality of the Work, including data provided by the participants and any coding that identifies participants, in the same manner and with the same safeguards as its internally generated confidential and proprietary information.

• In the event a governmental regulatory agency, public utility commission or any party to legal or regulatory proceedings requests a copy of the Work through a subpoena or document request, my company agrees to notify AGA, request permission to distribute and/or copy the Work, or any portion thereof, and take reasonable steps to safeguard confidentiality by requesting a confidentiality agreement, protective order, or similar protection.

• My company would receive copies of the benchmarking data reports only for the benchmarking topics for which my company submitted data.

• My company has reviewed the AGA Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and shall not discuss or disseminate information that violates those Guidelines.

Note: If submitting data for subsidiaries under your parent company, you are only required to submit one participation agreement for the parent company for each Program.

By clicking the button below you are agreeing to the terms of the above Participation Agreement Form and will begin the survey.