Thank you for participating in today's Workshop for Personnel Evaluating Teachers. The following survey will provide the Eval Team at RIDE with feedback to inform future trainings and resources. Please note that your survey answers are anonymous.

We appreciate your thoughtfulness and honesty.

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* 1. What district do you work in?

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* 2. What is your PRIMARY role in conducting teacher evaluations?

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* 3. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements related to the online modules used in today's training:

  Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The Refining Observation session provided me with ideas and next steps for improving my observations.
The Close Analysis session provided me with a clearer understanding of how to observe within unique instructional settings.
The Pushing Practice session provided me with ideas and next steps for improving my feedback to teachers.
The Planning for My School Session provided me with ideas and next steps for a goal that I have for the upcoming school year.

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* 4. Please explain how you plan on ensuring your accuracy and feedback during observations this year.

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* 5. How effective were the presenters in facilitating the sessions covered in this training?

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* 6. How would you rate the overall quality of today’s training?

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* 7. Please list any other training needs that you may have:

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* 8. What other comments or feedback would you like to share with us about your experience at training?

Thank you for your feedback. Please press the "Done" button to submit your survey.