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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Are you interested in attending your 5-year reunion?

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* 3. Please list any USD professors and/or law school administrators that you would like to see at your reunion.

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* 4. Are you interested in serving on your reunion planning committee to outreach to your classmates and encourage attendance?

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* 5. Do we have permission to list your name as part of your reunion planning committee?

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* 6. If you serve on your reunion committee, do we have permission to list your email along with your name?

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* 7. Please list any classmates that we should invite to serve on your reunion committee

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* 8. Are you interested in connecting with your classmates and/or other USD alumni outside of your reunion?

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* 9. Are you interested in learning about USD law alumni volunteer opportunities and being more involved?

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* 10. Comments/Suggestions: