California's public assistance programs use taxpayer funds to provide critical assistance to low-income families. CalWORKs is the largest of these programs, serving roughly 450,000 families with children. The state issues this aid primarily through Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards, which are subject to fees and surcharges imposed by the state's EBT contractor and most ATMs where EBT cards are used. These ATM fees cost public assistance recipients, most of whom receive CalWORKs, about $19 million a year. Even more is spent cashing checks, buying money orders and paying prepaid card fees.

Our report, The $19 Million ATM Fee, describes CRC's work to protect CalWORks aid for what it is intended - families, not fees. We are working with state officials and county officials in Los Angeles County and Alameda County, two of California’s most expensive areas where CalWORKs assistance is stretched the furthest. CRC is also working with some of the largest financial institutions to reduce the amount of cash aid used to pay ATM fees rather than to support families. We are inviting feedback from stakeholders, allies and policy leaders to the ideas presented in the report.

Please take ten minutes (or more if you like) to let us know what you think of the proposals in the report and tell us about ideas or lessons we should know. There are only ten questions total, but feel free to respond only to those that you have opinions about. You can also tell us what you think by phone or email. The important thing is we get your insight!

Please also contact us if you are interested in joining us when we convene partners in Los Angeles County and in Alameda County, respectively, to roll up our sleeves and begin implementation.

To provide feedback, request more information or express interest in attending a convening, please contact Andrea Luquetta at 415-864-3980 or