Studies show that over 90% of training programs worldwide are evaluated with a post-program reaction sheet of some sort. However, many organizations report that they are still not sure if their training is valuable, or they are uncertain of how to evaluate and demonstrate the value.

Is your reaction sheet as good as it could be? Take this fun quiz to find out.

Does your post-program evaluation form or survey...

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* 1. ...serve as the only form of evaluation for most or all of your training?

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* 2. ...get customized so that it contains only questions for which the findings will be useful?

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* 3. ...encourage the learner to consider how they will apply what they learned?

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* 4. ...exceed 10 questions in length?

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* 5. ...encourage the learner to think about what outcomes may occur if they apply what they learned?

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* 6. ...ask questions from the perspective of the learner?

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* 7. ...provide data that gets carefully analyzed?

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* 8. ...result in additional, targeted evaluation efforts based on the findings?

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* 9. ...use training language, such as terms like "learning objectives"?

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* 10. ...get completed fully by most participants?

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* 11. ...inspire training participants to provide robust written feedback?