Your Opinion

We would like your feedback and opinion about our recent End of Year report format. Please read each statement and intent the extent to which you Agree, by clicking on the scale.

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Question Title

* What did you find most informative in this portfolio?

Question Title

* Please rate your opinion on the following statements.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
The cover letter helped me to interpret this portfolio.
The portfolio gave me enough information on how my child was achieving, academically.
The portfolio gave me enough information on how my child was achieving, socially.
The portfolio gave me a clear view of my child's strengths and areas for future learning.
The teacher's written comments gave further information on my child's progress.
The documents included in the portfolio were easy to understand and interpret.
The portfolio helped me to understand how I can help my child at home.
The student reflection's were an important part of this portfolio.
I appreciated being able to write and share my thoughts on the parent comment page.

Question Title

* Please outline the type of information you like to gain from the teacher's comments.