Site Readiness & Health/Safety Survey Instructions

The purpose of this tool is to assure that your site meets ECEAP Performance Standards. This also offers an opportunity for staff to work together (teaching staff and family support) to complete this survey. As you identify items that need action, this tool will provide you with a list to work from.


1. Make sure you have completed the survey on paper BEFORE the first day of school. If class has already started, please do this ASAP.
2. Enter your data into this survey on the computer by September 30th.

Coordinators will be following-up on "action plans" as we visit sites/classrooms. Please contact your Health/Nutrition Coordinator if you have any questions.

* Obtain from your ESD Coordinator
** Created at the Site
(P) Details in PAD

Question Title

* 1. Please identify your Program, Site and Classroom below:

Question Title

* 2. Items POSTED in your classroom:

  Yes No N/A
All Hazard Preparedness Plans (earthquake, lockdown, flood etc) by emergency exits.
All Hazard Preparedness(AHP)/Fire Drills Form. At least 3 AHP different drills are conducted/documented for EACH class during the school year. Fire Drills are monthly for EACH class.
Animal Care Plans posted by animal and procedures followed
Child Health Plans and Child Food Plans (posted to maintain confidentiality)
Classroom Emergency Plan for Accidents and Illnesses
CPR/First Aid Cards: Current cards for all staff
Diapering: Procedure is posted and followed when needed.
Evacuation Map by emergency exits
Exits are clearly marked with signs and free of clutter
First Aid Kit Sign: A sign clearly identifying the location of your first aid kit.
Food Worker Card: Current cards for all staff and volunteers who regularly prepare and/or serve food
Handwashing reminders (including steps to follow) at child's eye level at handwashing sinks*
How to Respond Injury and Illness at School (Multi-Colored guide)*
Medical Conditions/Allergies, Special Diets and Food Preference List: Created by Staff, posted to maintain confidentiality. Post "None" if there are no conditions.

Question Title

* 3. Items POSTED for families to easily view and are accessible:

  Yes No N/A
And Justice For All poster*
Child Guidance and Support Policy
Daily Class Routine (schedule)
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance poster*
Menus: Current Month's Menus for all meals with corrected changes updated weekly.
No Food Brought by Families sign* (specific message to ECEAP families--obtain from your H/N Coordinator)
Parent Bulletin Board
Policy Council Meeting Minutes & dates of meetings

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* 4. POSTED within reach/view of the phone:

  Yes No N/A
Site Information (address, room number, phone number)
Emergency Phone Numbers (outside line prefix ie 9-911, Poison Control)

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* 5. Items readily accessible by staff at all times on site:

  Yes No N/A
Authorized Persons to Pick Up Child. (Created by program)
Curriculum Plans
Daily Attendance/Meal Count Report Forms: Current week best by exit in case of emergency, old reports on file
ECEAP Performance Standards/Policies (current)
Family files: Original files maintained in a locked cabinet
Transportation Child List: List of children riding the bus (bus no./driver names) and/or children being self-transported.

Question Title

* 6. Questions for staff:

  Yes No N/A
Sufficient ratios of trained staff to children are maintained at all times. 1 adult to 9 children.
All staff members have a change of clothing in classroom (in the event that clothing is soiled or contaminated).
All handbags are stored out of children's reach or locked if containing medications. Staff emergency medications can remain unlocked,out of children's reach.

Question Title

* 7. General indoor areas:

  Yes No N/A
Building is accessible to people with limited mobility including indoor and outdoor environments. (If no, an ADA plan is required.)
Doors to places that children can enter, such as bathrooms, can be easily opened from the outside.
Doorways to unsupervised areas are closed and locked unless used for emergency exits.
Electrical appliances and cords are maintained and out of children's reach, doorways and traffic paths.
Electrical outlets and power strips must be listed as ‘tamper-resistant’. Plastic plug-type should NOT be used.
Indoor areas are safe, in good repair, clean and free from hazardous materials.
Indoor facilities are barrier free for all children and adults.
Garbage/Trash is stored in a safe/sanitary manner.
Gas Heat or Appliance: A Carbon Monoxide Detector is used and maintained.
Gates: Used to prevent children from entering unsupervised areas or stairways are securely anchored, openings small enough to prevent entrapment of a child's head (spaces less than 3.5 inches) and rigid (no accordion-type gates).
Handwashing sink has liquid soap, paper towels and warm water.
Handwashing sink is accessible (22-26 inch in height) to children or safety adapted for use.(Slip and moisture resistant platform). Never used for food preparation or cleaning of soiled clothes.
Heating System: Effective without the use of portable space heaters. Shields used on wall and baseboard heaters to prevent exposure of surfaces that can reach 110 degrees (maintain consistent temperature of 68-75 degrees F)
Hot Surfaces are out of reach or covered to prevent burns such as pipes,radiators and stoves.
Hot water temperature at sinks used for handwashing, or where the hot water will be in direct contact with children, should be at a temperature of at least 60°F and not exceeding 120°F.(You can use your food thermometer* to test)
Lighting sufficient for good visibility in classroom, hallways and stairways.
Lofts are designed to be age appropriate, safe and well maintained.
Pesticide Policy and Procedures are followed. Pesticides and lawn chemicals are used in strict compliance with labeling and are used only when children are not present. Pesticide notices posted as required
Passageways, hallways, stairs and exits are free from obstacles that may obstruct exits routes or cause injury.
Plants are identified, labeled and are not poisonous.*
Site is free from drugs, alcohol, violence, guns, demeaning language and behavior.
Spaces occupied by children are visible and accessible to adults at all times.
Ventilation is adequate to ensure air quality. (Bathroom/Kitchen with fans or opening windows, air conditioning).
Walk off mats/non slip surfaces are used on stairways, at entrances and exits to the building and classroom.
Walls and ceilings have no peeling paint or falling plaster. Free from what may be lead paint or damaged asbestos containing materials (ex popcorn ceilings or water pipe insulation).
Windows are secured to prevent a child from falling out by installing window guards or limiting the window opening to less than 3½ inches.
Any window at child height has a decal,picture, or other decoration so children know it is glass and not open space

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* 8. Classroom Supplies. Check the following and review the detailed procedures in the PAD (if needed).

  Yes No N/A
Arts and craft materials are stored in labeled containers and are non-toxic.
Chemicals such as soaps, cleaners, disinfectants, pesticides are stored in their original containers and used according to labeled instructions.
Chemicals are stored away from medications, food/utensils and food preparation areas in a locked (combination or key)cabinet. If stored in the kitchen area, use a lockable cabinet BELOW food or food-contact surfaces to prevent contamination.
Chemical Sanitizer/Disinfectant: Bleach sanitizer/disinfectant prepared and labeled* according to procedure and tested using test strips*. Sanitizer can remain out of children's reach, Disinfectant must be locked up. Solutions made from chemicals other than bleach must have the appropriate test strips. (Contact your HN Coordinator for assistance).
Classroom and equipment cleaning schedule/system is in place
Clothing for children: Ample supply of backup clothing available.
Drinking water always available for children: Water fountain, cups next to faucet, or cups and pitcher.
Equipment and toys are child size and age appropriate.
Furniture is durable and child sized or adapted for children's use.
Meal utensils (forks, spoons, knives, tongs)* are child sized.
Medically-rated gloves are readily accessible.
Toothbrushes*, Fluoridated Toothpaste* and Holders*
Toys, materials and equipment are in good condition, and stored in a safe manner.

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* 9. Kitchen, food preparation and storage areas:

  Yes No N/A
Dishwasher sanitizes by: reaching 160 degrees indicated by temperature test strips* or use of chemicals.
Gloves rated for food preparation available for foodservice.
Storage of Food: labeled, covered and dated when refrigerated, frozen or stored (off floor).
Thermometers*: Digital Stem Thermometer, Refrigerator and Freezer

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* 10. All Hazard Preparedness. Some items are listed in the "Post in your classroom section."

  Yes No N/A
Emergency food and water supplies (minimum 3 days) are available for children and staff.
Fire extinguishers are certified annually (checked monthly to ensure they have not been discharged). Provide date of last inspection in comment section below.
Heavy equipment or furniture is anchored and secured from tipping.
Heavy items stored above a child's height are removed or secured to prevent from falling.
Smoke detector is in place and checked monthly.
Supplies specific to a child with special needs are stored for emergency supplies.
First Aid Supplies and emergency medications are readily portable and taken outside during outdoor play, field trips or whenever the class leaves the classroom.

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* 11. First Aid Supplies (suggested supplies per class in session). *These items can be requested from the PSESD.

  Yes No N/A
Monthly First Aid Kit Inspection Checklist completed.
Current First Aid Manual* (1)
Disposable Tweezers*(2)
Resusci Face Shields*(1)
Items purchased/provided by site: Gauze squares (40), Scissors (1), Band-Aids of various sizes (1box), Rolled Gauze (1), Triangular Bandage with Safety Pins (1), Non-latex Gloves (4 pairs), Adhesive Tape (1), Compress bandage (6), Flashlight: Fully functioning (1), Extra Batteries,Goggles (1), Ice Packs (1), Paper Cup (4), Plastic Bag (1), Digital Thermometer with Probe Covers, Sealed Bottle of Water (1), Liquid Soap (1), Emergency Medications specific to a child, Child Health Plan, Medication Administration Record, Physician Order for Medications at School, Emergency Contact Phone Numbers for each child, Parent/Guardian Consent for Emergency Treatment

Question Title

* 12. Health and Illness Policies:

  Yes No N/A
A system is in place to notify families of illness, injuries and communicable disease immediately upon detection.
A list is available of children whose immunization status is “conditional” or “exempt” and may need to be excluded in case of communicable disease outbreak.
Ill children are kept in a comfortable area away from others until family arrives (please indicate "where" in the box below).
Illness/injury forms are completed for all incidents according to Agency/School District procedure.
Medications are stored in original, labeled containers in a locked cabinet/container with a completed copy of the Child Health Plan (original retained in file), Physician's Orders for Medication at School and an original Medication Administration Record Form (please indicate "where" in the box below)
Emergency medications (e.g.: inhalers, epi-pens) must be kept readily accessible and out of reach of children with above mentioned documentation.

Question Title

* 13. Outdoor play area:

  Yes No N/A
Daily Playground Check: There is a system in place where an ECEAP staff person(s) check the playground prior to children entering the play area to ensure it is free from dangerous litter, animal waste, broken equipment, and problems with surfacing. (Indicate "who" in the box below)
Fenced and/or supervision sufficient to prevent children from leaving the premises.
Garbage is disposed of in a durable, leak proof trash receptacle with a tight-fitting lid.
Portable equipment, riding toys, helmets are age appropriate, in good condition and safely stored.
Sandboxes: designed to permit drainage, covered to prevent contamination from cats and animal feces, cleaned of foreign matter, replaced to keep visibly clean. Sand used is labeled as a safe play material or sand that is specifically prepared for sandbox use.
Spaces are free from harmful animals, insects, pest and poisonous plants.
Trip hazards including curbing and roots are removed.

Question Title

* 14. Playground does not include any of the following pieces of equipment: trampolines, swinging gates, giant strides, climbing ropes that are not secured at both ends, heavy metal swings, multiple occupancy swings, ropes swings, or swinging dual exercise rings and trapeze bars. This information comes from the "Public Playground Safety Handbook" and these items are not recommended for public playgrounds. Please call your H/N coordinator if you have questions.

Question Title

* 15. Please describe in detail your system (either within school district or organization) for annually checking playground equipment, including surfacing depth?

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* 16. Additional area for describing issues or plans.

Question Title

* 17. Did you keep a paper copy or print a copy (Ctrl + P) of this survey for your records?

Make sure you click the button at the bottom of the survey to complete and submit. Otherwise, your survey will not be saved.