Shaping the future of the Youth Work sector

This survey is part of the European Youth Work Agenda which is being coordinated in Ireland by NYCI.

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* 1. How effective do you believe your organisation is in reaching and engaging young people from diverse backgrounds?

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* 2. What methods does your organisation use to ensure that young people's voices are heard and influence decision-making?
(Select all that apply)

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* 3. In what ways could local authorities and youth organisations better collaborate to expand and improve youth work in your community?

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* 4. How do you assess the quality of youth work in your organisation?

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* 5. How important do you think it is to have national occupational standards for youth work education and training?

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* 6. What networks or collaborative partnerships have been most valuable to your work, and how could they be strengthened?

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* 7. To what extent do you feel aligned with other youth work organisations in terms of shared goals and practices?

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* 8. How often do you engage with national or international youth work networks to exchange knowledge and practices?

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* 9. What challenges do you face in collaborating with other youth work practitioners, and how could these be overcome?

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* 10. How would you rate the visibility of youth work and its value in your community?

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* 11. What sectors (e.g., education, healthcare, business) have you collaborated with in your youth work practice?
(Select all that apply)

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* 12. Please share an example of a successful partnership between your youth work organisation and another sector that positively impacted young people.

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* 13. How often does your organisation engage in activities to promote the value of youth work to the public?

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* 14. Which of the following do you believe would most improve the visibility and recognition of youth work?
(Select up to 3)

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* 15. What is one key message you believe should be communicated to the public about the impact of youth work?

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* 16. Which emerging challenges do you believe are the most critical for youth work to address?
(Select up to 3)

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* 17. How effectively has your organisation adapted to meet the needs of young people in response to recent societal changes (e.g., the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental issues)?

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* 18. What innovations have you implemented in your youth work practice that have had a positive impact on young people?

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* 19. To what extent do current youth policies in Ireland support your work as a youth worker?

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* 20. In your opinion, what changes in youth policy would have the greatest positive impact on youth work?

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* 21. How involved are young people in the policy-making processes that affect them in your organisation?

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* 22. How aligned do you feel your organisation’s goals are with broader European strategies for youth work development?

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* 23. What additional supports or frameworks would most help your organisation thrive in the future?

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* 24. What do you believe should be the top priorities for youth work development in Ireland over the next decade?

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* 25. How many years have you worked in the sector?

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* 26. Where is your organisation located?

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* 27. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experiences in youth work or the future of youth work in Ireland?