This form is designed to collect the statistics from both the children's and teen 2017 Summer Reading Program. Please designate ONE person from your library to complete this form. If you are reporting for a library with multiple branches, please submit ONE form for your library system and include the total participation numbers for all branches. This form will be open for statistic collection from August 4 through September 11. Please submit this form by September 11 to receive 2018 Summer Reading Program manuals, vouchers, coupons, and OLIS funded programs for your library.

If you have your statistics ready before filling out this form, it should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.  Please contact Danielle Margarida if you have any questions about this form, SRP statistics, or the general Summer Reading Program.  

Thank you for sharing your statistics and for helping OLIS demonstrate the important work being done at public libraries.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. How many people participated in the reading component of your Summer Reading Program?

Participation is defined as taking part in any reading component of your Summer Reading Program beyond registration, without necessarily having completed the entire multi-week program. If organizations participated  (i.e. at a summer camp, school, daycare, etc.) by tracking reading activities, please include the number of participants here. 

Question Title

* 3. How many weeks did you run your Summer Reading Program?

Question Title

* 4. How do you track participation in your children's Summer Reading Program? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 5. How do you track participation in your teen Summer Reading Program? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 6. How many programs did you offer, not including shows by designated SRP performers?

This is the total number of programs including staff led programs, passive programs, and performances/workshops from performers other than the designated SRP performers. Please count repeating programs individually, i.e. a 6 week craft session that happens weekly counts as 6 programs.

Question Title

* 7. What was the total attendance of programs, not including shows by designated SRP performers?

This is the total number of attendees at all programs including staff led programs, passive programs, and performances/workshops from performers other than the designated SRP performers.

Question Title

* 8. How many people attended shows by the designated children's SRP performers? If you are reporting for multiple branches, please include the total attendance numbers for all branches.

Question Title

* 9. How many people attended shows by the designated teen SRP performers? If you are reporting for multiple branches, please include the total attendance numbers for all branches. 

Question Title

* 10. If you are reporting for a library with multiple branches, please list the attendance number for the children's performances at each building that were paid for by OLIS. If you do not know which performances were paid for by OLIS, please contact Jeremy Cutler.

Question Title

* 11. If you are reporting for a library with multiple branches, please list the attendance number for the teen performances at each building that were paid for by OLIS. If you do not know which performances were paid for by OLIS, please contact Jeremy Cutler.

Question Title

* 12. If you ran a summer volunteer program as part of your SRP, how many people volunteered?

Question Title

* 13. Did library staff visit summer camps, schools, day cares, parks, community centers, fairs, etc. to provide summer outreach programming?

Question Title

* 14. If library staff provided summer outreach programming,

Question Title

* 15. Did library staff provide summer outreach programming through a mobile library (bookmobile, van, etc.) or a pop-up library?

Question Title

* 16. If staff provided summer outreach programming through a mobile or pop-up library,

Question Title

* 17. Did library staff hold a Kids Reading Across RI book discussion program?

Question Title

* 18. If library staff held one or more KRARI book discussion programs, how many children participated?

Please include the total number of participants for all KRARI book discussion programs.

Question Title

* 19. Please share feedback about this year's KRARI selection or ideas for improving the program.

Question Title

* 20. Do you have a suggestion for the 2018 KRARI book?

The selected title should:

a. Be related to the 2018 Summer Reading Slogan/Theme: Libraries Rock (The theme is music, but the selected title could have themes of libraries/reading "rocking.")
b. Be appealing to both boys and girls.
c. Be available in different formats, i.e., paperback, audio, Braille, video, other languages besides English.
d. Be written by a living author.
e. Be written on a 4th/5th grade reading level (for children entering 5th and 6th grades); accessible to strong rising 4th grade readers.
f. Promote discussion and programming.
g. Be reflective of different cultures and ethnicities.

Question Title

* 21. Please share any thoughts you have about the 2017 Summer Reading Program. This can include feedback on CSLP materials (artwork and manual), your experiences with the SRP designated performers, the voucher process, incentive coupons, or anything else regarding SRP.

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* 22. Please designate one staff member from your library as the Summer Reading Program contact for 2018. This contact will be sent information regarding 2018 manuals, vouchers, and incentive coupons.
If you are part of a multi-branch library, please designate one staff member to represent all branches.
Please notify Danielle Margarida if this designee is affected by staffing changes during the year.