
This survey is for middle and high school youth of the Charlotte Diocese only. For those who complete the survey, providing that they answer question 6, they will be eligible to win 1 of 5 $100 gift cards.

Thank you, in advance, for helping us help the young Church grow closer to Christ.

Question Title

2. What grade are you in?

Question Title

3. Do you attend:

Question Title

4. Please describe your race/ethnicity.

Question Title

5. Are you male or female?

Question Title

6. As a participant in this survey you have an opportunity to win 1 of five $100 gift cards. Please enter either your mobile number or email address for identification purpose for contacting prize winners, this information will not be used for anything else. You do not need to complete this question if you do not want to participate in contest.

Question Title

7. How were you invited to take the survey?