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This is an internal document. Its aim is to assist National Movements (NMs) in self-diagnostics and self-development. Based on the data YMCA Europe will be able to assist NMs to set priorities for development and produce desired changes.

Question Title

* 1. Name of organization

General information

Question Title

* 2. Is your organization officially registered as a public body?

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* 3. How is your National YMCA registered

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* 4. How many local organizations do you have?

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* 5. Do you have official membership (people)?

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* 6. How many official members (people) do you have?

Question Title

* 7. Tick which of the following areas you provide services, programs at

Question Title

* 8. What is the average age of beneficiaries in this program, service?

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* 9. What is the approximate number of beneficiaries you embrace by your services, programs this year?

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* 10. What is the number of employees at the National organization?

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* 11. What is the total of employees at all local organisations?

People Development

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* 12. Do you have enough leaders (volunteers) to run the planned services/programs?

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* 13. Are they all appropriately skilled?

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* 14. Do you have enough staff people to run the planned services/programs?

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* 15. Are they all appropriately skilled?

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* 16. Are all employees officially hired?

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* 17. Is there a job description for each position?

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* 18. Do you have difficulties with recruiting staff?

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* 19. Do you have a high turnover of employees?

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* 20. Do you have a high turnover of volunteers?

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* 21. Do you have a system of staff and volunteer training?

Financial Sustainability

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* 22. Is there an annual financial report?

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* 23. Is there an annual financial plan?

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* 24. Has the organization got enough financial resources for the Strategy implementation?

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* 25. Has your budget changed from the previous year?

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* 26. Does your organization have any debts? If yes, please, indicate a sum.

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* 27. Tick which of the following sources you use to generate income:

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* 28. What is the approximate percentage from the whole amount of generated income?

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* 29. Do you have a deficit, surplus, balance in the current period? Please, indicate a sum in EURO

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* 30. Do you run an independent audit this year?

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* 31. If all income stops, will you have resources (reserves) to run your organization according to your plan within 3 months?

Question Title

* 32. Tick the key budget lines of your expenditures

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* 33. What is the approximate percentage of the whole amount of expenditures?

Strong Democratic Governance

Question Title

* 34. Is your Constitution officially registered with your government?

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* 35. Does your organization operate according to the Constitution?

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* 36. Does the Constitution base on the principles of division of power, accountability, transparency, inclusion, equality?

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* 37. Do you have an Auditing Committee?

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* 38. Does the Auditing Committee fufill all its obligations?

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* 39. Does the Conference/General Assembly/AGM have real power as the main decision-making body?

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* 40. Do you have all the needed official documentation in order (minutes, lists, decrees, etc.)?

Question Title

* 41. Was the Board elected by the Conference/General Assembly/AGM?

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* 42. Board fulfills its main responsibilities such as strategic planning and overseeing, financial planning and overseeing, creating needed procedures, strategic development of the property, quality standards and control, membership and people development, etc.

Question Title

* 43. How many times has the Board met this year?

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* 44. How many people are there on the Board?

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* 45. How many women and men are there in the Board?

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* 46. How many people under and over 30 years old are there in the Board?

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* 47. How many Board members are serving their 1st term and how many are serving their second or more term?

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* 48. Is the Chief Executive/Secretary-General hired by the Board?

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* 49. Is the work of Chief Executive/Secretary-General evaluated by the Board this year?

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* 50. Are the Chief Executive/Secretary-General and the President two different people?

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* 51. Is the term of office for the President limited? Please, indicate the period

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* 52. Is this law executed properly?

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* 53. Is the term of work for Secretary-General limited? Please, indicate the period

Question Title

* 54. Do you have inappropriate, unethical behavior of Board, Staff members Policy/any other document?

Question Title

* 55. Tick, which procedures are adopted at your organization

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* 56. We produce an annual public report about our services, programs

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* 57. Who has access to financial information of the organization?

Property Development

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* 58. Does your organization have property?

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* 59. What is the value of the property?

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* 60. Does your property generate income?

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* 61. Do you have any risks of losing the property?

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* 62. Do you have a property development plan?

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* 63. Do you have difficulties with maintaining the property?

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* 64. Is the property physically inclusive?

Communication and PR

Question Title

* 65. Is there good clear communication between President, Board and Chief Executive/Secretary-General?

Question Title

* 66. Is there good clear communication between National and local organizations?

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* 67. Is there good clear communication between National organizations and International partner organizations?

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* 68. Is there PR Strategy in the organization?

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* 69. Are you satisfied with how this Strategy is implemented?

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* 70. Is there a commonly shared YMCA brand in your organization?

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* 71. Is trade marking of the YMCA name ensured where applicable?

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* 72. Has the National movement acted in a manner which is prejudicial to other national movements, YMCA Europe or the World YMCA?

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* 73. Person in charge of communications in your organisation

Partnership and networking

Question Title

* 74. Please, indicate types of organizations with which you have joint activities, meetings (at least one in this year)

Monitoring of quality and effectiveness

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* 75. Are there standards of quality for all the services/programs of your organization?

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* 76. Is there a system of monitoring of the quality of the services/programs?

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* 77. Is there a report on the quality of the services/programs?

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* 78. Do you run a needs assessment of your target groups/members periodically? How often?

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* 79. Have you introduced a new program/service to your target group this year (based on needs assessment)? Which one?

Strategic Planning

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* 80. Does your National organization have a Strategic Plan?

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* 81. Are you satisfied with its quality?

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* 82. Was the National Strategic plan broadly discussed with all local organizations before approval?

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* 83. Is the Strategic Plan of the National organization a real document that you use and refer to?

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* 84. Does your organisation have its values identified and listed?

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* 85. Mission and Values are in line (don't contradict) Christian values or the values of YMCA Europe and the Global YMCA

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* 86. Does the organisation have a Risk management plan?

Youth participation, continuity

Question Title

* 87. Is there official regulation in your Constitution that at least 30-50 % of your Board members are youth under 30-35 years old?

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* 88. What is an approximate percentage of National staff who are under 30 years old?

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