The Caring Ambassadors Your Healing Planner Focus Group Screener

Thank you for your interest in participating in this focus group. Please take two minutes to answer the following 7 questions. If you are eligible to participate in this focus group, a member of our Caring Ambassadors team will be in touch with details within three business days. 

Question Title

* 1. Have you been diagnosed with at least one long-term illness, or have you been experiencing symptoms related to at least one long-term illness for at least six months?

The Caring Ambassadors Program defines "long-term illness" as an illness which is extended in time, does not resolve naturally, and is rarely cured completely. Examples include (but are NOT limited to): heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, degenerative neurological diseases, autoimmune disorders, arthritis, cancer, HIV, and epilepsy.

Question Title

* 2. OPTIONAL: What long-term illness(es) have you been diagnosed with or do you experience symptoms of?