CPCCC Implementation Report |
Sharing your experience, planning your next steps, aspiring to go to the next level.
By signing the Canadian Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change, you have committed to take action across seven pillars – 1. Education and Learning, 2. Commitment of Resources, 3. Integration, 4. Endowments and Assets, 5. Operations, 6. Influence and Advocacy, and 7. Transparency. By completing this short report, you are already taking an action on #7!
For each pillar in the Commitment, we ask that you briefly describe one to three tangible actions you have taken in the past year. Please be as specific as you can and indicate, where possible, what the action was and the impact it had. Where appropriate, try to articulate any quantitative change in terms of percentage or proportion versus straight numbers (e.g., increased granting by 10% versus increased granting by $10,000). You can draw upon the recommended actions for each pillar in the implementation guide and/or add your own actions!
We understand and respect that everyone is at a different place in their journey and that you may have more actions in one pillar than in another (and some may have none). That is perfectly okay! Filling in this report is also meant to serve as a learning process for staff, board, and investment committees alike. We encourage you to use this tool to facilitate conversations within your organization and to take an approach that is as participatory as possible (ex. during Board and staff retreats or a professional development session). The reporting can help define your strategy/action plan and is not meant to be linear. The important thing is to reflect on your progress and trends and look to move things forward.
The implementation report has four sections.
In the first section, we ask you to provide some background, in particular on who has been involved in filling the form, and to rate your progress to date.
In the second section, we ask you to do a deep-dive into each pillar and describe up to three tangible actions you have taken in the past reporting period.
The third section has two questions about supporting equity and Indigenous leadership in climate action.
The fourth section is made of questions that are open-ended to get your thoughts on programming and how we can build a stronger community of peer-learning and practice through knowledge mobilization.