SWC Online Module: Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in a Medical Setting

WVSOM SWC Online Module: Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in a Medical Setting
To receive CME credit for the WVSOM Statewide Campus (SWC) online module, Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in a Medical Setting, please complete the following survey and attendance attestation (final question). 
DO CME credits will be uploaded into the AOA TraCME database; n
on-DO attendees will be issued a hard copy certificate, which can then be submitted by the attendee to the appropriate accrediting body for CME credit.  
Any questions can be submitted to oaed@osteo.wvsom.edu

Question Title

* 1. On a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) to:

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
I found this event to be valuable.
I would attend this event again.
I can use this information when teaching students and/or residents.
This event has reaffirmed my existing knowledge in Precepting students and residents.
I would recommend this event to others.

Question Title

* 2. What is one thing that you learned that you didn't know before this event.

Question Title

* 3. What will you take away from this program and use in your practice.

Question Title

* 4. Additional comments?

CME Post-Test

Question Title

* 5. Cognitive bias includes perceptions of a patient based on their culture or ethnicity.

Question Title

* 6. Inductive reasoning includes carefully considering all available data including the disease mechanisms involved in order to create a differential diagnosis.

Question Title

* 7. Describe one questioning technique that can encourage critical thinking.

Question Title

* 8. What will you take away from this faculty development webinar that you will be able to use in your practice immediately?

Question Title

* 9. What will you take away from this faculty development webinar that you could work towards using in your practice over the next couple of months?

Attendance Attestation 

Question Title

* 10. By providing my name, credentials, and address below, I attest to .5 hour AOA/AMA Category 1-B/Category 1 credit for completing the online module, Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in a Medical Setting.

DO CME certificates will be uploaded directly to AOA TraCME; non-DO CME Certificates will be mailed to the address provided above. Please be sure to provide an address in addition to your name if you aren't a DO so that we may mail your CME certificate to you.  Please contact WVSOM Office of Assessment and Educational Development at oaed@osteo.wvsom.edu  or 304-793-6563 with any questions.  Thank you.