No Limits: Young Regional Writers - what do you want in your communities?
What is this Survey?
This survey asks young (under 30) writers and writerly folk from regional South Australia to share their aspirations, ideas and needs for literature opportunities in their communities now and in the future.
This survey asks young (under 30) writers and writerly folk from regional South Australia to share their aspirations, ideas and needs for literature opportunities in their communities now and in the future.
What do we mean by writers and writerly folk?
We mean anyone and everyone who loves words. You might be someone who loves watching slam poetry on YouTube, or someone who devours fantasy novels at the library, or maybe you write funny captions on every photo your mum posts on FB. Maybe you've written three novels already or maybe you've never written a word. You might be a writer, or a reader, or an artist, or an editor, or a dreamer, or any kind of storyteller interested in words and what they can do. We want to hear from all of you!
How will this survey be used?
Responses to this survey will be used by the Writers SA No Limits: Young Regional Writers team to inform the program of events, workshops, projects and activities we create over the next 18months. Our regional team is based in the Riverland, Limestone Coast (with a focus on Mount Gambier) and the Eyre Peninsula (with a focus on Port Lincoln) so our in-person activities will be in these locations, however we will also be developing digital programs so would love to hear from young people across regional SA.
Who should fill out this survey?
Young people under 30 living anywhere in regional South Australia who are interested in writing, literature and storytelling in any form.
Don't quite fit the category but have something to say on the subject? We still want to hear from you! Send your thoughts to our Statewide Regional Manager alysha@writerssa.org.au or your nearest Regional Coordinator:
How will this survey be used?
Responses to this survey will be used by the Writers SA No Limits: Young Regional Writers team to inform the program of events, workshops, projects and activities we create over the next 18months. Our regional team is based in the Riverland, Limestone Coast (with a focus on Mount Gambier) and the Eyre Peninsula (with a focus on Port Lincoln) so our in-person activities will be in these locations, however we will also be developing digital programs so would love to hear from young people across regional SA.
Who should fill out this survey?
Young people under 30 living anywhere in regional South Australia who are interested in writing, literature and storytelling in any form.
Don't quite fit the category but have something to say on the subject? We still want to hear from you! Send your thoughts to our Statewide Regional Manager alysha@writerssa.org.au or your nearest Regional Coordinator:
Eyre Peninsula - eliza@writerssa.org.au
Riverland - kirste@writerssa.org.au
Statewide - alysha@writerssa.org.au
Find out more about No Limits: Young Regional Writers here: https://writerssa.org.au/meet-the-writers-sa-regional-team/