Question Title

* 1. Date


Question Title

* 2. First Name and initial of last name

Question Title

* 3. What topics have been the focus of this week or so far

Question Title

* 4. Names of Facilitators:

Question Title

* 5. In general, how helpful have the Work Essentials sessions been for

  1 - poor 2 - fair 3 - average 4 - good 5 - excellent 0 - not applicable or not covered yet
for identifying your skills and strengths for work
improving your communication and collaboration or teamwork skills for the workplace
greater self awareness of your values, goals and what's important to you when it comes to work/career
for helping you identify or clarify your employment or career goals
for improving your self confidence
for helping you explore different career options
improving your Skills for Success (i.e. soft skills - communication, collaboration, adaptability, problem-solving, creativity/innovation) 
Indirectly improving your reading, writing or numeracy (also Skills for Success)
learning digital skills and getting comfortable with online learning and/or job search (also a Skill for Success)
for improving your job search skills
for improving your job search tools (ie. resume, cover letter etc)

Question Title

* 6. How helpful or effective are  the facilitators

Question Title

* 7. What has been most helpful to you this week?

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* 8. What was least helpful or could use improvement

Question Title

* 9. What is one skill or thing (or more) you learned this week  that you are going to try out in the near future?

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* 10. What are you looking forward to learning more about in the weeks or days to come

Question Title

* 11. What other topics would you like to learn about

Question Title

* 12. Any other comments, thoughts, suggestions or ideas you'd like the facilitators to know

Question Title

* 13. If you'd like to schedule a 1-1 check-in with the work essentials staff to discuss how things are going - please type  the name of which staff you'd like to connect with - if you have a preference.