Employability Strengths and Supports Checklist Question Title * 1. Instructions: This questionnaire is meant to help staff discover what employability, job search or digital skills that you need and what you'd like to learn. It also will help us arrange supports and resources that you might need in order to attend Work Essentials. We will review this with you during our individual chats after the information session.Please rate how helpful was today's session for you and/or comment below Question Title * 2. First Name and last initial Question Title * 3. How interested are you in Work Essentials Not interested somewhat interested in a few of the topics but not all interested in about half of the topics or some major parts but not others interested in most of the topics offered very interested in almost all of the topics N/A Not interested somewhat interested in a few of the topics but not all interested in about half of the topics or some major parts but not others interested in most of the topics offered very interested in almost all of the topics N/A Please comment on your interest rating for Work Essentials Question Title * 4. What interests you most about Work Essentials Question Title * 5. Work Essentials is a big time commitment - how available and committed are you? Not available/committed unable to attend or commit to most T, Th, F unable to attend or commit to most afternoons on T, Th, or F Can commit/attend regularly all T, Th, F except for the odd occasion Fully committed to attend either virtually or in-person unless ill N/A Not available/committed unable to attend or commit to most T, Th, F unable to attend or commit to most afternoons on T, Th, or F Can commit/attend regularly all T, Th, F except for the odd occasion Fully committed to attend either virtually or in-person unless ill N/A Please outline if you have other commitments that might conflict with Work Essentials Question Title * 6. Do you have a reliable way to get around? (to work, daycare, appointments, etc.) Yes, I have a vehicle. Yes, I use the bus. Yes, I can walk or cycle No Yes - I use other ways to get around (please explain) Question Title * 7. Do you have dependent care arranged for your children or other family members? Yes No I'm not sure Not applicable - N/A Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Do you have family and/or friends in your life who support you in a positive way? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Are you able to afford your basic living costs at the moment? (food, shelter, bills) Yes For the most part I just barely get by No Question Title * 10. What worries you most about going back to work? (choose as many as you like) staying organized and/or managing time ability to learn new things not enough money my family's reaction to the upcoming change my ability to handle this change not enough time for family, friends and/or fun what if I don't like the type of work I choose What if I don't get along with my co-workers or boss having the right skills, qualifications or experience Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. Personal Needs - What supports or resources do you need to participate in Work Essentials (choose as many as you like) Financial assistance with daycare Financial assistance with transportation Financial assistance with food/lunch supports Financial assistance with work clothing, gear or personal grooming for preparing for an interview Access to a laptop in good running order and that I don't have to share with my household during the group Access to telephone (landline or cell) for staff to reach me and/or to have private conversations Access to the internet/Wi-Fi Health and Wellness - (physical, mental or emotional needs, substance use struggles) Disabilities or medical needs (physical, mental, learning or other challenges for work or learning) Personal counselling and/or support Housing Legal None of the above Other challenges or personal needs - please comment Question Title * 12. Which statement(s) best reflects where you are now with your job search and career plans and you want to work on in the next 3 months? I'm not sure I'm ready to work I'm not sure what job or career I want to do I need more training or skills or qualifications in order to find work I know what kind of work I want to look for but need help with my job search I can get jobs but have difficulty keeping them Other Please describe why you chose the above statement Question Title * 13. Employability Skills Checklist - chose the skills listed below that you would like to work on for the next 3 months Dependability Positive attitude Integrity/honesty Independence and initiative Commitment to an employer/work Creativity Adaptability Managing risks Respect - self and others Learning to be open to new things Listening and communication skills Conflict Resolution skills Problem-solving/decision-making skills Digital skills for job search and emloyment Work-life balance skills Skills for dealing with stress and personal difficulties Money management skills Working with others/collaboration skills None of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 14. Please rate your familiarity with these digital/technology apps or tools Not familiar - never tried Have used a few times and need a lot of help Somewhat familiar - need some help Familiar enough and would need a little help Very familiar or comfortable or good at figuring out on my own Zoom Zoom Not familiar - never tried Zoom Have used a few times and need a lot of help Zoom Somewhat familiar - need some help Zoom Familiar enough and would need a little help Zoom Very familiar or comfortable or good at figuring out on my own Emailing your resume or attachments Emailing your resume or attachments Not familiar - never tried Emailing your resume or attachments Have used a few times and need a lot of help Emailing your resume or attachments Somewhat familiar - need some help Emailing your resume or attachments Familiar enough and would need a little help Emailing your resume or attachments Very familiar or comfortable or good at figuring out on my own Word processing Word processing Not familiar - never tried Word processing Have used a few times and need a lot of help Word processing Somewhat familiar - need some help Word processing Familiar enough and would need a little help Word processing Very familiar or comfortable or good at figuring out on my own Filling out application forms online Filling out application forms online Not familiar - never tried Filling out application forms online Have used a few times and need a lot of help Filling out application forms online Somewhat familiar - need some help Filling out application forms online Familiar enough and would need a little help Filling out application forms online Very familiar or comfortable or good at figuring out on my own Online platforms like Indeed, etc Online platforms like Indeed, etc Not familiar - never tried Online platforms like Indeed, etc Have used a few times and need a lot of help Online platforms like Indeed, etc Somewhat familiar - need some help Online platforms like Indeed, etc Familiar enough and would need a little help Online platforms like Indeed, etc Very familiar or comfortable or good at figuring out on my own Virtual interviews Virtual interviews Not familiar - never tried Virtual interviews Have used a few times and need a lot of help Virtual interviews Somewhat familiar - need some help Virtual interviews Familiar enough and would need a little help Virtual interviews Very familiar or comfortable or good at figuring out on my own Using WorkBC account or app to communicate with your employment counsellor Using WorkBC account or app to communicate with your employment counsellor Not familiar - never tried Using WorkBC account or app to communicate with your employment counsellor Have used a few times and need a lot of help Using WorkBC account or app to communicate with your employment counsellor Somewhat familiar - need some help Using WorkBC account or app to communicate with your employment counsellor Familiar enough and would need a little help Using WorkBC account or app to communicate with your employment counsellor Very familiar or comfortable or good at figuring out on my own N/A - Not applicable N/A - Not applicable Not familiar - never tried N/A - Not applicable Have used a few times and need a lot of help N/A - Not applicable Somewhat familiar - need some help N/A - Not applicable Familiar enough and would need a little help N/A - Not applicable Very familiar or comfortable or good at figuring out on my own Other comments on your tech knowledge or skills Thank you for your responses! Finished