Question Title

* 1. Instructions: This questionnaire is meant to help staff discover what employability, job search or digital skills that you need and what you'd like to learn. It also will help us arrange supports and resources that you might need in order to attend Work Essentials. We will review this with you during our individual chats after the information session.

Please rate how helpful was today's session for you and/or comment below

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* 2. First Name and last initial

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* 3. How interested are you in Work Essentials

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* 4. What interests you most about Work Essentials

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* 5. Work Essentials is a big time commitment - how available and committed are you?

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* 6. Do you have a reliable way to get around? (to work, daycare, appointments, etc.)

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* 7. Do you have dependent care arranged for your children or other family members?

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* 8. Do you have family and/or friends in your life who support you in a positive way?

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* 9. Are you able to afford your basic living costs at the moment? (food, shelter, bills)

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* 10. What worries you most about going back to work? (choose as many as you like)

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* 11. Personal Needs - What supports or resources do you need to participate in Work Essentials (choose as many as you like)

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* 12. Which statement(s) best reflects where you are now with your job search and career plans and you want to work on in the next 3 months?

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* 13. Employability Skills Checklist - chose the skills listed below that you would like to work on for the next 3 months

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* 14. Please rate your familiarity with these digital/technology apps or tools

  Not familiar - never tried Have used a few times and need a lot of help Somewhat familiar - need some help Familiar enough and would need a little help Very familiar or comfortable or good at figuring out on my own
Emailing your resume or attachments
Word processing
Filling out application forms online
Online platforms like Indeed, etc
Virtual interviews
Using WorkBC account or app to communicate with your employment counsellor
N/A - Not applicable
Thank you for your responses!