We want to thank you in advance for taking this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Date of Call


Question Title

* 2. Call Number (Optional)

Question Title

* 3. What is the patient's age?

Question Title

* 4. Is patient?

Question Title

* 5. This survey is completed by:

Instructions:  Please rate the services you received while using out ambulance service.  Select the circle that best describes your experience.  If a question does not apply to you or is unknown, please skip to the next question.  Space is provided for you to comment on positive or negative experiences that may have happened to you.

Question Title

* 6. The person you called for service (dispatcher)

  Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
Helpfulness of the person you called for ambulance service
Concern shown by the person you called for ambulance service
Extent to which you were told what to do until the ambulance arrived

Question Title

* 7. First Responders - If medical first responders arrived before the ambulance to assist you, please answer the following.  If no first responders, please go to the next section.

  Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
Extent to which the first responders arrived in a timely manner
Care shown by the first responders
Professionalism of first responders

Question Title

* 8. The Ambulance

  Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
Extent to which the ambulance arrived in a timely manner
Cleanliness of the ambulance
Comfort of the ride

Question Title

* 9. Paramedics

  Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
Care shown by the paramedics who arrived with the ambulance
Degree to which the paramedics listened to you and/or your family
Skill of the paramedics
Extent to which the paramedic kept you informed about your treatment
Extent to which paramedics included you in the treatment decisions (if applicable)
Degree to which the paramedics relieved your pain or discomfort
Paramedics' concern for your privacy
Extent to which paramedics cared for you as a person
Professionalism of the paramedics

Question Title

* 10. Office Staff

  Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
Professionalism of the staff in our office and billing office
Willingness of the staff in our office and billing office to address your needs

Question Title

* 11. Overall Assessment

  Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
How well did our staff work together to care for you
Extent to which the services received were worth the fees charged
Overall rating of the care provided by Williamson County EMS

Question Title

* 12. How likely is it that you would recommend Williamson County EMS to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 13. What could we do better the next time? 

Question Title

* 14. If you would like to discuss any problems, please enter your name and day time telephone number below.

Williamson County EMS
PO Box 873, Georgetown, TX 78627
(512) 943-1264