Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update

We want to hear from you! The Town of Wake Forest, in partnership with our consultant McAdams, is seeking ideas from residents and visitors about enhancing and improving the Town's existing parks. To accomplish this goal, we developed a short survey to share input. The survey will be open until Monday, September 18th. Please share the survey link with your friends and families to help us widen our reach! 

Question Title

* 1. The Town of Wake Forest provides a mix of recreation facilities and amenities for residents to enjoy the outdoors, play sports, participate in arts and culture, gather with community members, and form social connections. What are some of the ways these opportunities can be enhanced at the following parks and facilities?
Please continue to scroll beyond the following image and provide your input using the textboxes underneath each park name

Grid of All Wake Forest Parks

Question Title

* 2. Is there anything else you would like to share?