We are delighted to share with you an opportunity to present your latest and greatest innovation in Aging and Healthcare at our SenbridGe West 2024 conference, during our annual SenbridGe Showdown: AgeTech Challenge.


SenbridGe Showdown will feature live presentations from health care innovators looking to disrupt the sector with creative business plans. Our expert panel of executive judges will evaluate your pitch and explore your innovation's best qualities in front of a live audience of industry leaders.


We are inviting innovators involved in all stages of product and technology development, from concepts and prototypes to finished products and services designed to elevate the resident experience in aging and retirement communities to showcase their ideas.


In addition to the industry exposure SenbridGe Showdown will provide, the winner will receive:
  • A $5,000 investment in their innovation
  • A one on one meeting with one of our executive judges
  • A meeting with Goodmans LLP startup team
  • An opportunity to return and present at a future SenbridGe conference
  • A profile on SenbridGe.ca and shared across our social channels

Please submit completed applications by March 31, 2024. For questions or concerns, please contact Andrea Evans at aduncan@goodmans.ca
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33% of survey complete.