Submission Form

This is a place to submit a devotion, which we will put in a booklet that will be distributed this summer. Our goal is to have several devotions for each week of the summer and would love to add yours to this booklet. If your church has a Bible reading plan, and you want your devotion to go along with that, please request a certain week (June-August) for your devotion to be listed at the bottom of this form. Otherwise, don’t worry about that box.

We want you to tell us what you think about one of your favorite sections of the Bible. This doesn’t need to be Seminary-worthy and shouldn’t be something you pull off the Internet. Just share your thoughts on what you have received from the Bible. Others will benefit from what you share! Here is how your devotion should be put together:

·         Bible Verse: (please write this verse out from your favorite translation)
·         What your thoughts are on that verse: (no more than 300 words, no less than 100 words)
·         Write out a prayer based on your thoughts: (this should be your message to God)
·         You can include your name, if you would like. That is up to you.

 That’s it!  Your words will become material for other students to read and to grow in faith.


Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. (Revelation 3:20)

This verse is cool because it is Jesus talking to a church. In my Bible, these letters are red, just like the letters that tell us what Jesus said to Zacchaeus when He said He wanted to come to His house. Jesus is telling the people of this church that He is knocking and wants to hang out with them.  We have to answer that door and let Jesus in, and I think that means that we have to let Jesus into the parts of our life that we usually keep “off limits”. Jesus wants to be involved in our free time, our relationship with our families and friends, how we drive, and even in our entertainment choices. I think Jesus is knocking on our doors right now, and we have to have the faith and strength to let Him in. He brought the dessert!

Jesus, I’m inviting you in to my life, so let’s do this together.  Amen.

Question Title

* 1. Bible Verse: (please write this verse out from your favorite translation)

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* 2.  What your thought are on that verse: (minimum 100 words - maximum 300 words) 

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* 3. Write out a prayer based on your thoughts: (a message to God)

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* 4. Are you?

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* 5. Your name: (optional)

Question Title

* 6. Date on which you would like us to read this devotion (if any preference)