2023-2024 Vesalius Trust Content Advisor Form The deadline for submission of this form is Friday, November 10, 2023 11:59pm PST. The Scholarship Committee must receive this completed advisor form on or before this date for the student’s application to be considered for an award in the spring of the following year.If you have questions, please contact the chair(s) of the AMI Scholarship Committee:Laura Garrison, AMI Scholarship Co-ChairNatalie Koscal, AMI Scholarship Co-Chairscholarship@ami.org Question Title * 1. Student Name: Question Title * 2. Content Advisor Name: Question Title * 3. Content Advisor Title or Position: Question Title * 4. Content Advisor Institution or Company: Question Title * 5. Content Advisor Email: Question Title * 6. What role will you have in assisting the student with their project? (2–3 sentences) Question Title * 7. Having read the project description, briefly describe the student’s ability to successfully complete the project. Give examples of requisite skills in the applicable areas of expertise (knowledge, terminology, technical skills, practice, resourcefulness) to effectively master the materials and functions required by the subject. (1–2 paragraphs) Question Title * 8. Have you thoroughly discussed the project with the student, and do you believe the project to be a viable and achievable one, considering the time available to you and the student? Question Title * 9. Approximately how much of your time (in hours) will you contribute to advising the student with their project on a weekly basis? Question Title * 10. Is the student actively soliciting advice from you in your area of expertise? How well does the student communicate? Question Title * 11. Please briefly state the potential contributions of this project. (1–2 paragraphs) Done