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* 1. Full Name:

Question Title

* 2. Email Address:

Question Title

* 3. Phone Number:

Question Title

* 4. Current Occupation:

Question Title

* 5. Organization:

Question Title

* 6. Date of completion of VSM Coach course


Question Title

* 7. Please provide a brief summary of your key learnings from the VSM Coach course:

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* 8. Describe your practical experience applying VSM concepts in organizational settings:

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* 9. What challenges have you encountered when applying VSM in real-world situations?

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* 10. Are you planning to apply VSM design in your own organization or as a consultant to an external organization?

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* 11. If applying to your own organization briefly describe your organization's structure and primary functions:

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* 12. If applying to your own organization what specific organizational challenges do you hope to address using VSM?

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* 13. If applying as a consultant in which industry or sector do you plan to offer VSM consulting services?

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* 14. If applying as a consultant describe a potential client organization and the VSM-related issues you might address:

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* 15. What aspects of VSM design do you find most challenging?

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* 16. What specific VSM design skills do you hope to develop through this course?

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* 17. Are there any particular industries or types of organizations you'd like the course to focus on for case studies or examples?

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* 18. Which of the following topics would you find most valuable in the course? (Select top 3)

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* 19. Do you have any specific VSM-related questions or topics you'd like addressed in the course?

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* 20. The course is designed to be part-time over 12 months. What is your preferred frequency for online sessions?

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* 21. What time zone are you in?

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* 22. Do you have any scheduling constraints we should be aware of?

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* 23. Please provide any additional information that you believe would be relevant to your application or helpful in tailoring the course content: