Website Volunteer Registration Form |
It is a condition of our annual grant from the Arts Council that we collect data on all of our staff and volunteers. They use this data to look at whether our workforce and the workforce of the arts in general reflect the UK population. This is because it is public money and it should be spent to benefit everyone.
The wording of many of the questions comes from the Arts Council. If you are interested in knowing more about the thinking behind why they ask what they ask, visit: https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/our-data/our-npos-and-annual-data-survey#section-2 You need to go to the bottom of the page and look at the NPO 2021/2022 Annual Guidance Document
The data you input on this form is anonymous when it is sent to ACE - it shouldn't be possible to identify individuals. Our own museum staff have access to data about contact details, emergency contacts and disability and health conditions to carry out day-to-day management, and ensure everyone's security and safety. Data about identity - e.g. sexual orientation, religion, etc. - is kept separate and confidential.