SSP invites members to be active and join its working committees. Please indicate below the committee(s) that interest you. Committee appointments (one-year terms) are typically made in July. Learn more about each committee.

You must be an SSP member to join a committee.

Question Title

* 1. Are you a member of SSP? If yes, please list the type of membership you have. Individual, Early Career, Organizational, Librarian or Student Membership.

Question Title

* 2. What type of organization do you work for?

Question Title

* 3.
Please select the Committee(s) you are interested in joining.
Note: Committees not appearing in the list below are not recruiting new members at this time. If you are interested in future opportunities with them, sign up for SSP alerts.

Question Title

* 4. Please provide a brief (200 words max) statement of interest in why you would like to serve on the committee(s) you have checked.

Question Title

* 5. Please rank the committees you'd like to join in order of preference.
Note: We cannot guarantee you will be selected to volunteer for your top choice but we will work hard to honor your preferences.

Question Title

* 6. Please fill out your contact information below. Fields marked with an * are required.

The chair(s) for the committee(s) you've selected will be provided with your contact information in mid-June and follow up with you in July. All committee appointments are one-year terms and are approved by SSP's President. Committee volunteers are expected to attend monthly meetings and participate in working groups as assigned.