1. Category Labels

Thank you for participating in this survey. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete.
For each of the following, imagine yourself in the described scenario. Then choose the category from the list of options that makes the most sense to you.

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* 1. You want to learn how other people have survived abuse. Select where you would look for this.

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* 2. You want to learn how crime victims and survivors have gotten help. Select where you would look for this.

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* 3. You want to know if your path is similar to other crime victims and survivors. Select where you would look for this.

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* 4. You need to learn how to make a safety plan. Select where you would look for information about this.

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* 5. You need information about getting help paying for travel for your court case. Select where you would look for this.

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* 6. You want to know what counseling services are available to people affected by crime. Select where you would look for this information.

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* 7. You need to find a lawyer who can help you with your case. Select where you would look for this.

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* 8. You want to know if you qualify for free legal help from an organization. Select where you would look for this.

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* 9. You need someone to help you create a safety plan. Select where you would look for this.

33% of survey complete.