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Ready to pursue your full potential? For your gain, God's glory, and the good of the world? 

Thanks for applying for spiritual direction and coaching. Please fill out and submit the following form--and allow me 7-10 days to respond. Also, please understand that I want to fully invest myself in my clients; therefore, I am only accepting a limited number of men and women at this time; so you may be placed on a waiting list. I do appreciate you taking the time to apply, and I look forward to the possibility of working together! 

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* 1. Full name

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* 2. Best email

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* 3. Optional: cell number 

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* 4. Please give me a brief summary of your business and/or professional situation

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* 5. Optional: Please list your social media accounts (if applicable)

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* 6. While I am coming from a distinctively Christian perspective myself, I am open and respectful of people of all faiths and beliefs who are seeking spiritual care and coaching. Please tell me a little about your spiritual background and current beliefs.

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* 7. What professional challenges do you currently face?

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* 8. What personal/spiritual challenges do you currently face?

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* 9. Specifically, what are you hoping to gain from spiritual direction/coaching with me?

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* 10. Is there anything else you'd like me to know about you and/or your background/situation?

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* 11. What I offer is unique. It is spiritual direction for entrepreneurs and overachievers. I want to help you grow closer to God as you crush your goals. I want to help you "gain the whole world" without "losing your soul." I want to help you cultivate a "sacred drive," a holy ambition to make the most of your life; not just for your own personal gain, but for the good of the world and the glory of God.

While your spiritual life and health will be the main focus, I will seek to integrate everything I know about personal development, productivity, content creation, personal branding, and anything else related to the pursuit of happiness and success.

Yes, I want you to be strong in faith. But I also want you to excel as an entrepreneur and influencer--so that you will make the greatest impact possible--again, not just for your own gain, but the good of the world and the glory of God.

But you need to understand this: I offer spiritual support, coaching, and consultation. I am not a trained counselor, psychologist, or mental health professional; nor can I refer you to one. If you have clinical issues, you will have to look elsewhere for help.

Do you understand? *

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* 12. The cost of the 1-on-1 spiritual direction/coaching program is a significant investment and will be discussed when we speak together. Should we agree to work together, I would like you to commit to at least 4 months - as we will need time to build our relationship and formulate the best plan for helping you. (I will not require 4 months payment at once. This will be on an honor system. I will take you at your word.) Do you understand?

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* 13. PLEASE NOTE: I am currently at my capacity and not accepting new clients at this time. I will respond to your application; however, right now you will be placed on a waiting list. Do you understand?

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