Share Your Thoughts about the Future of The Vermont Farm Show

We are interested in hearing from you because the Vermont Farm Show is your show! In fact, this is a survey for everyone - farmers (of all scales & types), farm workers, agricultural students, educators, professionals, farm service providers, and anyone who supports Vermont’s food system and working landscape.

Everyone is invited to participate in an information gathering process on the future of the Vermont Farm Show.

The Vermont Farm Show has been one of Vermont’s longest standing events in support of agricultural and land-based enterprises. The last Farm Show was held in 2020 and the Vermont Farm Show Board of Trustees are looking for your input to help define a farm show that can successfully serve Vermont’s needs while also being financially viable.

Thank you for taking this survey and demonstrating that you care about the Vermont Farm Show, Vermont’s working landscape and the folks who farm in our great state.

Question Title

* 1. Select which of the following best describes the perspective from which you are answering this survey (select up to three).

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* 2. Have you attended a Vermont Farm Show in the past? For how many years?

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* 3. Why did you attend the Vermont Farm Show?

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* 4. What interests you about the Vermont Farm Show? Please rate the following reasons from "not interested in this" to "extremely interested in this." (Each bullet below allows for its own rating.)

  Not interested in this Somewhat interested Interested in this Very interested in this Extremely interested in this
Learning about the different types of farming in Vermont
Learning about new and innovative areas of agriculture
Checking out the farm equipment
Eating/sampling food that is grown and made on Vermont farms
Learning about service providers offerings
Learning about agritourism
It is a family-friendly and fun event to attend in the winter
Meeting farmers and those in the agricultural sector
Gathering with other farmers
Product competitions
Highlight of youth in agriculture (4-H, Future Farmers of America, etc.)
Supporting Vermont agriculture in general
Purchasing locally produced goods
Possibility of seeing farm animals
The Capitol Cook-off or other past competitions
Sharing services by being a Farm Show exhibitor
Seeing exhibits
Connecting with folks

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* 5. I have another reason why I enjoy the Vermont Farm Show and it is...: Please write about other reasons

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* 6. What did you enjoy least about the Vermont Farm Show?

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* 7. What would bring you out to a future Vermont Farm Show? In what ways could the Vermont Farm Show serve you better / best?

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* 8. If there was an entry fee to attend a future Vermont Farm Show, what amount would you pay, in order to attend for ONE day? Please note that youth under 12 would be free.

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* 9. If the VFS had an annual membership fee that could provide you discounted services and member benefits, would you and/or your business consider being a VFS member?

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* 10. Is location an important factor in whether you attend? If yes, is there a location that you think could work best for the farm show?

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* 11. Is there a location or a region that you believe does not work well for the farm show?

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* 12. What time of year should the Vermont Farm Show occur?

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* 13. What day or days of the week work best for you to attend the Farm Show, should you plan to attend?

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* 14. Do you have any other ideas or suggestions to share with the organizers of the Vermont Farm Show?

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* 15. Would you be interested in serving as a Vermont Farm Show Board member?

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* 16. If you are intersted, please share your name and contact information

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* 17. Would you like to be added to the Vermont Farm Show’s mailing list?

If yes, please provide your name, email address, phone number, and mailing address

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* 18. The Following Questions are for Vendors/Exhibitors/Businesses.

If you were a vendor/exhibitor at a past Vermont Farm Show, what value did the Vermont Farm Show have for you?

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* 19. If you were an exhibitor or vendor, how could the Vermont Farm Show serve you better?

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* 20. If there were sponsorship opportunities, in addition to vending / exhibiting, would your business be interested in sponsoring future Vermont Farm Show events?