Pre-Screening to be considered

We are in compliance with HIPAA as the patient will sign two short consent forms (to be provided).

We are offering 200 Dollars for completion of the entire study.

More information about the research sponsor:

Verilogue, a division of Publicis Health, is a specialized marketing research firm committed to helping pharmaceutical companies improve communication between physicians and their patients, and to improving health outcomes.  Verilogue has collected over 120,000 anonymized recordings of physician-patient conversations worldwide and analyzed them, in aggregate sub-groups, to understand the dynamics between speakers and best communication/education practices.  Verilogue never discloses identifying information of any physicians or patients, and follows the highest medical ethical standards in protecting the conversations and personal information of our research participants.

As the world’s leading healthcare communications expert, Verilogue strives to uphold all Global ethical standards and beliefs.  We are also certified by BHBIA and follow their legal and ethical guidelines in order to protect research participants.  Additionally, we carefully follow country-specific ethical and data safety standards, and have developed novel approaches such as digitally disguising voices, to ensure full participant identity protection.  Within the US, our methodology and human subjects standards have been carefully reviewed and approved by numerous Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), including those at such institutions as the renown Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the widely accepted New England IRB.  We also adhere to the CASRO code of standards and ethics.

Verilogue is aware that physician-patient recordings may contain sensitive information and protecting their contents is paramount in importance.  Prior to analysis, all recordings are made fully anonymous by Verilogue to protect all persons’ identities. Such conversations are only analyzed and reported upon for the purposes of the project for which they are used.  Conversations are never used or shared for other legitimate purposes, such as physician training, without the express permission of both the physician and the patient in the recording.  Participants may contact Verilogue at any time and request that their recording be withdrawn from our database; Verilogue complies with each request.  The personal information we collect is never used for direct marketing purposes. 

Question Title

* 1. Thank you for your interest in participating in this national healthcare communication panel sponsored by Verilogue, Inc. To determine your eligibility for this study, please answer the following questions. These questions should take less than 5 minutes to answer and all responses will remain anonymous and confidential. 

Question Title

* 2. Please let us know how we may get in touch with you