Please take a moment to complete this brief quiz.

Question Title

* 1. Full Name

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* 2. Title

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* 3. Company

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* 4. I attest that I have participated in UConnectCare's Vendor/Contractor Compliance Training Presentation.

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* 5. All employees, vendors and contractors have an affirmative obligation to report potential fraud, waste and abuse problems immediately.

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* 6. The UConnectCare Compliance Plan applies to employees, but not to vendors or contractors.

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* 7. UConnectCare employs a Compliance Officer who has primary responsibility for oversight and monitoring of the Compliance Plan.

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* 8. All employees, vendors and contractors are required to report any suspected billing discrepancies, such as billing for services not provided.

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* 9. Retaliation against employees, vendors or contractors who report compliance concerns at UConnectCare is an acceptable practice.