Question Title

* 1. You are on patrol, you’ve pulled into the local fast food restaurant on a Sunday morning to use the bathroom and get a cup of coffee. As you exit your patrol car you hear a gunshot from inside. Drawing your pistol you put out a shots fired call to dispatch and then advance towards the front doors. As you near the front door you look inside and see a young woman who is obviously dead from a serious gunshot wound to the head. You slowly enter the restaurant when you see a male suspect armed with an AK-47 running behind the counter in the kitchen area. He’s moving quickly to the rear. You pursue him on foot as he pushes open the rear exit and runs outside into the parking area. As you exit the rear door you see that the suspect who is faster that you running away from the restaurant and then tossing the rifle to the ground. You give a loud warning, “Police, stop or I’ll shoot”.

The now seemingly unarmed suspect is getting away from you. Can you shoot him?

Answer this questions based on your understanding of federal case law - not departmental policy.   This is a national research project policies vary, from agency to agency.  While this is national project, and each federal region has different adaptations of case law.  I am looking for the major holdings that are universal across the United States, that apply to all law enforcement agencies.

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* 2. What is the size of your agency?

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* 3. How many years have you been in law enforcement? 

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* 4. What is your gender?

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* 5. What state do you work? - Please use the two letter abbreviation

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* 6. What is your understanding of Graham v. Connor and how it applies to use of force?

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* 7. What is your understanding of Garner v. Tennessee and how it applies to use of force?

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* 8. How do you determine if force is objectively reasonable?  - Please provide as much detail as possible. 

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* 9. What United States Constitutional Amendment covers use of force by police on a "free" person. 

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* 10. How many classroom hours do you get on use of force. (law/legal updates)

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* 11. How many hours of hands-on use of force training do you get in a year? (force on force/baton/Taser/Spray/weapons tactics/cuffing)

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* 12. How many hours of pure range time (shooting firearms) do you get in a year?

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* 13. What kind of law enforcement agency do you work for?

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* 14. Thanks for taking this survey, if you would like a copy of the research and project on completed - please provide 

Feel free to shoot me an email at or 

100% of survey complete.