Dear United Lutheran Church Congregation:

The building update committee was created by the ULC Church Council to explore the feasibility and alternatives for improving:

• Church building accessibility (including new, larger elevator)
• Church building circulation (that is, how people walk through the church)
• How members and visitors experience the Narthex area.

Viewing this project from the street, the only obvious change would be to the front of the structure containing the narthex, offices, etc. It is possible that we would bump out this structure towards the street to accommodate a new larger elevator and a more welcoming narthex and entry area. All other changes would be confined to the existing structure and building footprint.

Though we are only at the earliest stage of contemplating such a project, we are venturing a guess that this endeavor might cost somewhere between $600,000 and $1,200,000. The only reason we even make this guess is to provide some reference for how you think about this project.

Before going much further, the council and this committee want to know what you, the congregation, think about going ahead with such a project.

If you are in favor of starting this process please check YES, if you are NOT in favor please check NO

Thank you for your input!
The Building Update Committee
Dee Bender
Ken Dicke
Marv Dyrstad
Richard Johnson
Don Long
Stan Nerhaugen
Todd Otteson
Sverre Solheim
Dave Tincher