
You are kindly requested to spare some few minutes to help complete this survey regarding UICT programmes’ effectiveness and employment outcomes. The data obtained will assist the Institute to effectively formulate and implement training plans and labour market strategies in its programmes. All information obtained will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Please select the possible answer to the box where appropriate. Kindly provide answers as honestly as possible..
All Items marked * are mandatory

Question Title

* 1. Age

Question Title

* 2. Gender of the respondent

Question Title

* 3. Which year did you enroll at UICT?

Question Title

* 4. What programme/course did you enroll for at UICT? (e.g. TE, DEEE, CICT, CBMS, DBA, PLM etc.)

Question Title

* 5. What short course/professional course(s) did you enroll for at UICT?

Question Title

* 6. What was your educational background before enrolling for UICT Programme?

Question Title

* 7. Which year did you graduate?

Question Title

* 8. What was your certificate/diploma class


Question Title

* 9. State your current employment status (If unemployed jump to Q23)

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* 10. Name of employer  

Question Title

* 11. Place of Employment

Question Title

* 12. What is the range of your monthly Income?

Question Title

* 13. (If employed), in what area of specialization is your job?

Question Title

* 14. How long did it take you to get a job after completing UICT training?

Question Title

* 15. How did you get to know about your job?

Question Title

* 16. How many employers did you contact before getting your current job?

Question Title

* 17. Specify your type of employer

Question Title

* 18. How long have you been working for your current employer?

Question Title

* 19. How many employers did you work for before the current one?

Question Title

* 20. If your current employer is not your first one, why did you leave your previous employment?

Question Title

* 21. Are you still employed in your area of training/specialization?

Question Title

* 22. If your answer is No to question 18, why did you change your career?

Question Title

* 23. What are the difficulties you encountered in looking for a job?

Question Title

* 24. How long have you been looking for a job after training?


Question Title

* 25. Compare the skills you acquired from your training and your ability to perform on your current or previous job, would you say your training was:

Question Title

* 26. Can you recommend the course you graduated in to a friend, colleagues or relative?

Question Title

* 27. If Yes in Q26 is Yes, why?

Question Title

* 28. If No in Q26 is No, why?

Question Title

* 29. Using the percentages (%) indicated, rate the extent to which the following components of UICT Training should be improved to prepare graduates for the job market. 

  100% Improvement 75% Improvement 50% Improvement 25% Improvement 0% Improvement
Knowledge (Theory)
Training in practical skills
Industrial attachments
Course content
Instructional manuals
Workshop equipment
Laboratory work
Teaching and delivery methods
Instructor’s knowledge of theory
Instructor’s practical skills
Increase duration of training

Question Title

* 30. What is your opinion with regard to the following statements of the adequacy of UICT programmme training, graduates’ employability and their ability to perform their jobs?
SD = strongly disagree; DS = disagree; NA = not applicable; A = agree; SA = strongly agree.

My training adequately prepared me for work
My employer/former employer is/was satisfied with my level of knowledge and skill
It is easy for me to get a job
I can easily be trained to improve my level of skill
I find myself to be very effective in my current/previous job
I can easily change employers within my area of specialization
Thank you for participating